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What You Get

Verified Certificates you can share

A verified certificate from LearningKing can provide proof for an employer, school, or other institution that you have successfully completed an online course. Verified certificates require you to verify your identity using a password or URL to a given Student account which displays the completed certificate so employers and schools know that you completed the course. All Certificates can be accessed and verified on the LearningKing website directly. LearningKing offers two types of Certificates for completed Certificate Courses; Digital and Hardcopy.

Global Professional Recognition

Apart from the fact that everyone loves to have something that reminds them of their achievement, certificates are great tools for an employee’s professional growth. It lets learners tell the world about their professional development.

Easily Shareable

Your Certificate provides a detailed transcript of what you’ve learned. This includes how long you spent studying the course, and your average test score. The Certificate and transcript give you evidence to show during job or university applications, or appraisals.


To stay ahead of the game today, companies must continuously learn and adapt – and so should their employees. This is probably why 67% of employees believe they must continuously reskill themselves to stay in their careers and remain credible.

“The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Acquire The Appropriate Skills To Create It..” LearningKing


As metioned above, employees completing courses and learning new skills in an organization rarely end up with something to show for it. Sure, they learn a new skill, but what tangible proof do they have of that? Awarding learners with certificates when they successfully complete a course gives them a tangible reward they can print, download, or share through their either social networks or in a physical form.

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